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ALB Rep 2023 Classical Rep - March 12th 3pm

Join American Liberty Ballet this March 11th & 12th at The Theatre at St. Jeans on Manhattan's Upper East Side. ALB will be presenting an evening of mixed repertoire in two programs.

Program A Don Quixote & Giselle March 11th 7pm, March 12th 3pm

Prgram B Contemporary Works March 11th 3pm, March 12th 7pm

For our lovers of classical dance, Program A will be a excerpts of Marius Petipa's Don Quixote, followed by Valerie Mae Browne's Perrot inspired Giselle. Don Quixotes Kitri will be danced by internationally renowned dancer and ALB Principal Analia Farfan. Giselle will be danced by Allie Hutchins, who was recently featured in Dance Magazine for this title role.

Prgram B will feature contemporary works of ALB resident choreographer and soloist Nadine Azoulay followed by contemporary works by Valerie Mae Browne. The latter will include a special collaboration with critically acclaimed visual artist Anna Khachatryan. Anna is well known for simultaeneously shocking and bedazzling her viewers and this collaborative piece will be no different. A version of Bolero featuring themes from out of this world, which will burn a permanent place in the mind.

Program B will also feature a meet and greet after each show, which we hope all will attend!

Do not miss out on experiencing the range of artistry offered by this NYC and NJ based company!